Master 6 and I decided to make our own Christmas Wrapping Paper today. With the Christmas songs playing we wanted to get into the Christmas spirit! And have lots of fun and be creative at the same time!
Continue reading “Making our own Christmas Wrapping Paper”Tag: Time Together
How I encourage my children to open up about their day
Do you find it hard to get your children to talk about their day? Find out how I have got my children to open up about their day at school.
“What have you been up to today?”
Does this sound familiar to you? It’s the usual reply I get from my children at the school gate. That or “it was boring”, “not a lot” the list of non committal answers is endless! I, as you do, know that these answers aren’t true. You also know yourself how you feel when you’ve finished a day at work, you don’t want to be bombarded with questions.
Continue reading “How I encourage my children to open up about their day”Mummy and Me Diary
Miss 8 can bottle things up. I always know when she’s worried about something as she gets stroppy, short tempered and she’s very hard to live with. It breaks my heart as I just want her to talk to me. Yet often I’m sure she doesn’t always realise something is wrong herself. So I came up with the idea of a ‘Mummy and Me Diary’.
Continue reading “Mummy and Me Diary”Six weeks into the summer holidays
Six weeks of our summer holidays have been and gone. Six weeks of fun, family time, water fights, days out, the odd squabble here and there and just being together. I’m so going to miss my babies.
Continue reading “Six weeks into the summer holidays “Two weeks into the summer holidays
Week two of the summer holidays is over already. Where is the time going? It’s been a bit crazy here this week. I had to work three mornings this week but the babies came along with me. It just meant the days flew without us doing much together. I say we haven’t done much but looking over the week we have!
Continue reading “Two weeks into the summer holidays “The Value of Lego Play
Master 5 and I have spent a good majority of the afternoon building Lego from a set he received for his Birthday back in June. It has been one of those activities where I have been saying “In a minute I’ve just got to do this”. Or “When we’ve got more time”. The list could go on and then in return I have been feeling massive Mummy guilt. Now we are into the second week of the summer hols and the children are coming down from school frenzy, we have finally sat down together to do his long awaited Lego.
Continue reading “The Value of Lego Play”Could Home Education be an option?
I have been researching the possibility of Home Education for Miss 7 and Master 5, and eventually Master 2, for several months now. Countless searches on the internet have shown me an amass of varying views. But the blogs and sites from people that follow this path, and are successful, leave me wanting to follow Home Education even more.
Continue reading “Could Home Education be an option?”A week with my babies!
So this week it has been half term! A week with all three children at home! I personally love having my babies at home but I know that many struggle during holiday time. Don’t get me wrong it’s not easy and I often tear my hair out. But there’s just something about having all my babies home together.
Continue reading “A week with my babies!”