As a Mummy to 4 children aged 11, 8, 5 and 4 months I know how tough lockdown and isolation can be. All of our lives have changed in a way we would never have believed. Our children’s normality has changed in a way which they don’t understand.
Routine is incredibly important to young children and their lives as they know it is no longer the same. They don’t understand why they can’t see their friends, go to school, Pre School or nursery, or to the park, see Nanny and Grandad or their cousins. As a parent we face these challenges alongside our own fears and anxieties.
We all need to find our new normal. Whether that be a structured routine, going with the flow or a mixture of both. What works one day won’t necessarily work the next. What is important is what works for your family. We are all navigating unknown ground and what works for your family won’t necessarily work for another. It’s very easy to look on social media and feel as though you aren’t doing enough or not doing it right (I know I’ve done it myself!). Remember this is just a snap shot of someone’s life and not truly reflecting what is happening in their home. I can assure you they will also be having tears, tantrums and chaos as much as the next family.
As a parent I can only hope that what my children bring from this time is happy memories. A time when Mummy and Daddy spent more time with them, where we did lots of craft, built dens, read stories and watched films. At the moment the most important thing in all of this is to make our children feel safe and loved. Everything else will come in time as our world will (hopefully soon) return to normal.
All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of life and parenthood. This post contains affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.