Master 6 and I decided to make our own Christmas Wrapping Paper today. With the Christmas songs playing we wanted to get into the Christmas spirit! And have lots of fun and be creative at the same time!
Continue reading “Making our own Christmas Wrapping Paper”Tag: holidays
Week One: Six Weeks of Summer 2019
I cannot believe we have been on the summer holidays for a week already! It’s been a crazy but happy week.
Continue reading “Week One: Six Weeks of Summer 2019”February Half Term 2019
Half term this year has been a bit of a strange one. I have been with the children all week yet I don’t feel I spent time with them. The goal of the week was to get through to Friday. My precious Nans funeral.
Continue reading “February Half Term 2019”Six weeks into the summer holidays
Six weeks of our summer holidays have been and gone. Six weeks of fun, family time, water fights, days out, the odd squabble here and there and just being together. I’m so going to miss my babies.
Continue reading “Six weeks into the summer holidays “Four weeks into the summer holidays
Yet another week has passed by all too fast. Sadly only two weeks left until miss 7 and Master 5 are back to school. Miss 7 started last night saying she is worried about going back to school. It breaks my heart.
Continue reading “Four weeks into the summer holidays “