Yet another week has passed by all too fast. Sadly only two weeks left until miss 7 and Master 5 are back to school. Miss 7 started last night saying she is worried about going back to school. It breaks my heart.

We began our week with our annual family picnic. Each year my family gather at Hylands Park for a family picnic to celebrate my Nan’s birthday. It’s a day full of playing, tree climbing, rounders, laughter, smiles and being together. In total my Nan has 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren plus one on the way! An amazing amount of family. It always surprises me when we all get together how the great grandchildren always get on with no squabbles or arguments. The ages range from 17 down to 21 months. Family ties are just so special.

Sunday saw more family fun but this time with hubby’s side. We went to my in laws for a bbq to celebrate my mother in laws birthday. The children had fun playing in the paddling pool and having fun with their cousins.

The week followed with lots of play, seeing friends and family, making playdough and just having good summer fun.

On Wednesday evening we had an impromptu visit to Norsey Woods after dinner. The evening stroll through the woods was what we all needed after a day of strops by Master 2 with my patience wearing very thin!

Sadly on Thursday I had my Great Uncle’s funeral. It was a sad day saying goodbye to my Nan’s dear brother. But also a day of remembering happy times.

Whilst I was at my Great Uncle’s funeral the babies spent time with their daddy. They saw their cousins and Nanny and Grandad. My 2 eldest stayed for a sleepover and went to see the BFG on Friday which they enjoyed immensely. This left myself and Master 2 with a day just for us. We played babies and spent time snuggled on the sofa watching TV. We missed the older 2 and were very excited to see them when they finally arrived home just before bedtime.

So that was our week. Busy but with plenty of downtime. Fun but with sad moments. So here’s to another week of out treasured holidays.
All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of life and parenthood. This post contains affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.