Week two of the summer holidays is over already. Where is the time going? It’s been a bit crazy here this week. I had to work three mornings this week but the babies came along with me. It just meant the days flew without us doing much together. I say we haven’t done much but looking over the week we have!

The weekend saw lots of construction with hubby adapting Master 2’s house we bought him for his Birthday and building a new back gate. Master 2 took great pleasure in taking daddy’s tools into his ‘tree house’ so daddy couldn’t find them! I love watching the babies help daddy!

On Monday we went to the park and the babies had a wonderful time. I watched as they helped each other and the older two worked together to over come climbing some high equipment together. After which they were immensely proud of themselves. We played football, basketball and just had good fun! After which we went and visited my Nan and Great Aunt. My children love visiting my Nan and it’s so special to me that they are lucky enough to have their great Nan.

The rest of the week followed with me working, the babies having their neighbourhood friends into play, hand clapping games, drawing, being inquisitive, visiting relatives and lots of playing!

One activity that has taken great precedence this week is loom band making!
We have lots of these little bands now! Miss 7 particularly has taken a shine to it this week which has given her plenty of downtime. She has also enjoyed teaching Master 5.

So we end the week with the babies going off to Nanny and Grandad’s for the weekend as hubby and I are attending a friends wedding. Its now all too quiet in my world and I feel a little lost!
All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of life and parenthood. This post contains affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.