The night before you start school

A letter to my son the night before he starts school.

To my baby boy on the night before you start school

I can not believe this time has come already. You are only 4 and I am letting you out into the big wide world. Where has the time gone where you were a new born snuggled into my arms, a toddler taking your first stumbling steps or a Pre Schooler chatting away constantly. How I now wish I had savoured each and every moment. I have so many beautiful memories tucked away in my heart but how I wish I could make more.

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Term time madness 

So we are back into the swing of school life after our six weeks off. I am exhausted. School runs, after school clubs, homework, trips. Then remembering all those forms I need to sign and money that needs to make its way to the office! I don’t know whether I am coming or going and wish we were back in the lull of our beautiful summer.

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