The night before you start school

A letter to my son the night before he starts school.

To my baby boy on the night before you start school

I can not believe this time has come already. You are only 4 and I am letting you out into the big wide world. Where has the time gone where you were a new born snuggled into my arms, a toddler taking your first stumbling steps or a Pre Schooler chatting away constantly. How I now wish I had savoured each and every moment. I have so many beautiful memories tucked away in my heart but how I wish I could make more.

Post title: The night beofre you start school.

Tomorrow I will wave you into school with a sadness in my heart but also a flutter of excitement. An excitement for your new adventure, the new memories you will make, the new adventures and new friends. I will send you off knowing that your big brother and sister will be close by and a team of loving, dedicated teachers that we have grown to know and love since your sister started 5 years ago.

My son walking through the woods.

As I tuck you into bed tonight it is with a heavy heart that you will never totally be mine again. My beautiful boy starting his own new adventure. But I will always be here when you need me. I will always be by your side and I will always be in your corner. No love compares to that of a Mummy’s.

Go start your adventure baby boy, have fun and enjoy every moment! Mummy will be waiting eagerly for you and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

I love you with all my heart, now and forever.

Mummy x

All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of life and parenthood. This post contains affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.

Twin Mummy and Daddy

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