Another week of our summer holidays has flown past. Soon the babies will be back at school and I can already feel that dread starting in the pit of my stomach.

This week has been full of varying emotions. We began last weekend with my friends wedding. A day that should of been full of happiness, love and laughter. Sadly my friends mum passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning, her wedding day. My friend was a true inspiration that day. Despite the monumental grief she was suffering she somehow managed to marry the man she loved. It was a day of bittersweet emotions and a day that will have a special place in my heart forever.

Our week then followed on with lots of play, visiting family, having neighbourhood friends over to play and me working three mornings again.

On Thursday it was my beautiful Nans 91St birthday! We visited as did many other members of our family. The sun shone, the children played and we had a lovely day together. I’m very blessed to still have my precious nan as are my 3 children to have their great nanny. We treasure every moment with her.

We finished our week on Friday with housework and then my brother, nephew and mum visiting for lunch. This entailed lots of play in the garden and getting very wet!

So another week has passed and I’m treasuring every moment until the babies returns to school. The house is continuously full of love, laughter, friends and family and maybe the odd squabble but I love it!
All content is my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experience from my own journey of life and parenthood. This post contains affiliate links, please see the Copyright and Disclosures page for more information.